
A new page has been added to the site today entitled ‘Newsletters’, its accessible via the new drop-down navigation menu called ‘Download’s. There is a bit of a problem with the sub menu, at least on my machine at the moment, it’s a bit of a pain to access with your mouse, I’ve contacted WordPress about it, but until then if you are having difficult accessing the new Newsletters page via the menu you can either type in the address or hover your mouse cursor over the downloads menu and then click the down arrow on your keyboard until its hovering above the newsletters entry, then click enter. Inside the Newsletters page you’ll find a download link to the first edition of our newsletter, February 2012. We will soon create additional pages under this Downloads menu which will host more content for you to download, including some archived material.

EDIT: The problem with the drop-down menu seemed to be to do with my own Chrome browser, tests on other Chrome browsers and IE worked fine.